Lighting for industry and high heights.
When we say industry many of us think of production but it might as well be lighting for garages, logistic centres, supermarkets or even the arrival halls at airports. The common thing in most cases is high mounting heights with all that implies in terms of difficult installation, complicated and time-consuming maintenance and high outputs to bring the light down on the floor.
Our lighting solutions not only provides the light needed for the operation, they also help to create a sustainable solution considering energy use. By choosing optimised luminaires that provide fewer installation points and the right light control for the task, we can minimise both energy costs and our material resources.
All light on the operation.
High mounting heights can make maintenance complicated, especially if an operation goes on around the clock. The operation requires uninterrupted light and to disrupt the operation for maintenance costs time, and ultimately money. With a solution from Fagerhult you can forget about the fittings until it is time to replace them. Our industrial luminaires are available in many different designs in terms of light output and light distribution so that it is always possible to find the perfect solution, for a narrow warehouse aisle or an open floor space in a logistics center.

Our reliable and powerful Induflex luminaire is an excellent solution whether your operations are in retail, warehousing, sports or industry. With long life time, low energy consumption and high light performance, it is optimal for areas where maintenance and service access of luminaires is difficult and/or entails costly interruptions in operations.
Save energy easily with CLO
Our greatest opportunity to make a difference today is to reduce the energy that our luminaires consume. Two ways to do this are to use connected luminaires with control and luminaires with Constant Light Output (CLO) L100.
CLO with L100 entails that they have the same light level after 100,000 hours of burn time as as when they were first installed. With CLO it is easy to save energy, you get a higher maintenance factor and a more optimised plant. We're saving our energy for the sake of the future.
Our robust high bay luminaire Hero is especially developed for industrial facilities, logistics and warehouses with installation heights exceeding 20 metres. With a housing made of cast aluminium and tempered glass or PMMA, Hero archieve protection class IP 66 and if PMMA is used, IK 10. The luminaire is also versatile with a wide range of installations and some variants are also certified in accordance with VDE 0710-13.

Lighting control for industry and high heights
We offer e-Sense Move Highbay that is a lighting control system developed for industrial applications and high heights. The system is equipped with a dual Microwave and PIR sensor in the same unit which enables you to switch between presence detection techniques or utilise both simultaneously. Once presence is detected, a predetermined number of luminaires light up at a defined level helping to create a seamless yet energy efficient navigation throughout the space.
IKEA Distribution Services
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We know that challenges and needs differ depending on who you are and the phase of the project you are working in. Our insights into the planning process make it easier for you to get it right.