Lighting for Healthcare. 

Healthcare and nursing comprise a large sector with extensive commitments and responsibilities. Their premises must be safe, secure and – in many cases – clinically clean if not sterile. In modern healthcare and nursing environments, all lighting in the premises should offer control with a shared focus – people. 

Fagerhult wants to contribute to the right of all patients to good care in a safe and secure healthcare environment. We want to use the right lighting to simplify the work of healthcare and nursing staff while creating calm and pleasant workplaces. We consider light and lighting to be an aid in that work.



The biological clock.

Even though we consider ourselves modern humans, our brains are not quite up to speed. We remain biological organisms influenced by changes in nature – and this is seen very clearly in the healthcare sector. 

Read the entire article

Lighting for important tasks

Certain nursing tasks and procedures require special lighting. Let us explain more.

Read more in our lighting guides

Human Centric Lighting

People in focus.

Human centric lighting (HCL) is a holistic approach to how light affects people. Put simply, our natural circadian rhythm – normally governed by daylight – is recreated using electric lighting, and research has shown this to be beneficial to patients.  

More about human centric lighting


Support the circadian rhythm for patients and staff

A good circadian rhythm is essential for patient recovery and well-being. Melanopic Ratio is a factor that makes it easy to plan and document the biological impact of the lighting installation. By presenting Melanopic Ratio for all our luminaires, we make it possible to plan lighting that supports the circadian rhythm of both patients and staff.

Read more about Melanopic Ratio


Lighting control in Healthcare

Healthcare and nursing environments are places where specificity and exactness are combined with compassion and care. Appropriate and pleasant lighting enables us to create better opportunities for healthcare staff to see the patient's anatomy more clearly and to perform, for example, keyhole surgery more safely.  
Our lighting control solutions make it easy to adjust light levels and colour temperatures to match specific clinical needs, such of those of maternity wards, A&E departments and palliative care. Together, we find a solution to fit the purpose. That they also save energy and are easy to use are simply a bonus in this respect.


Skejby Psychiatric Hospital


Uppsala University Hospital

Contact us and we can talk about your next project

We know that challenges and needs differ depending on who you are and the phase of the project you are working in. Our insights into the planning process make it easier for you to get it right.