Tips from the coach

There are many ways of coming up with creative lighting solutions using LED luminaires; from variations in light level and temperature to personal solutions based on shape and colour.

How to do it!

Go beyond the standard

All EU countries have a common standard for lighting of workplaces,
EN 12464-1. For paper based activities the desk must be lit to 500 lux, or
300 lux when working with monitors. The ambient light, that is the vertical light on walls and indirect light on the ceiling, must be at least 50 lux and 30 lux respectively. We don’t think that’s enough!

Our research shows that a creative lit space requires an average illuminance of 250 lux both on the walls and in the ceiling. By opting for LED products you can give your staff more light without using more energy.  

Choose the right light

It goes without saying that the amount of light is crucial for visual tasks and perception. However, it is by choosing the right type of light and varying it in the right way that the working environment becomes positive and inviting.

Avoid having too much light directly at eye level, as it’s easy to suffer from glare. The eye is more receptive to ambient light which enters from the sides than to light which is projected directly towards the eye.  

Vary the light

A room that enhances creativity must be well lit. Light the walls and ceiling as well as the work surface. This can be done in several ways, but an effective solution is combining a suspended luminaire, with a certain amount of indirect light, supplemented by wallwashers or downlights located along the wall.
Don’t put the luminaires in the traditional location in the middle of the room and try to avoid harsh shadows. The light can also be varied in terms of intensity and colour; LED technology makes it possible to vary the colour temperature of the white light. And if you want to, you can also add colour with coloured light.

Work with textures

What are you lighting? A wall with texture and interplay between light and shadow can be more interesting than a smooth wall. Statement walls with colour, wallpaper or pictures can also be accentuated using lighting.

Research shows that motifs taken from nature, with plants and greenery, are perceived as being more positive and enhance the room’s creative atmosphere.